Based on an article that first appeared at

In 2022, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) experienced a 22 percent increase in calls over the prior year, assisting 401,550 animals across all 50 U.S. states. This jump in cases led to the APCC reaching the unfortunate milestone of 4 million cases of pet toxicity since its inception 45 years ago. In recognition of these startling stats, let’s explore how pet owners can prevent their pets from becoming part of these statistics.

Poisonous Household Items

The first step in preventing your pet from inhaling or ingesting toxic products is to be aware of everyday household items that pose a threat. Following are the top toxins that accounted for 79 percent of accidental poisoning cases from 2021 to 2022.

Top household pet poisons include:

  • Human prescription medications, including antidepressants, cardiac, and ADHD medications.
  • Food products containing xylitol, garlic, onions, grapes, raisins, coffee beans, and chocolate. The APCC averages more than 103 cases of chocolate ingestion per day, which is more than one case every 15 minutes. Xylitol is a sweetner present in many items that are advertised as sugar free such as gum and candies (read the label carefully).
  • Indoor and outdoor plants, including Easter lily, tulips, mistletoe, holly, azalea, oleander, castor bean, sago palm, rhododendron, and Japanese yew.
  • Chemicals such as antifreeze and pest and lawn care products, including rodenticides, insecticides, and fertilizers.

Cat biting unsafe plant

Safety Steps to Avoid Accidental Pet Poisoning

Now that you know which household items are poisonous to your pets, take the necessary precautions to keep them out of reach.

  • Store human prescription medications in a latched medicine cabinet or locked storage container. Just because a bottle is child proof does not make it dog proof!
  • Avoid purchasing products that contain the sweetner Xylitol. Gather all food products in your home that are toxic to pets and store them on the top shelf of your refrigerator, cabinet, or pantry, and keep your pantry or cabinet door closed at all times. Carefully supervise when children have foods which are toxic to pets to prevent pets from getting to food that is dropped or shared.
  • Take a walk around your property and identify any of the plants listed above, and make a plan to remove anything toxic that you discover.
  • If you store household cleaning products under your kitchen sink, use a child safety latch to keep the cabinets secured.
  • Store lawn care chemicals, antifreeze bottles, and other toxic chemicals in your garage, inside a secure tote or locked container. Monitor vehicles for antifreeze leaks and clean up completely. It only takes a small amount of these chemicals to be potentially fatal for pets.

Signs of Pet Poisoning

Pet poisoning symptoms vary depending on the substance ingested, the volume consumed, and whether it was inhaled or eaten.

The most common signs of pet toxicity include:

  • Diarrhea or blood in the stool that is bright red or dark and tarry
  • Vomiting or loss of appetite
  • Seizures or tremors
  • Lethargy or unsteadiness when standing or walking
  • Bruising or bleeding, especially on the gums, inside the ear flaps, and groin area
  • Nose bleeds or blood in the urine
  • Green or corn-like substances in the feces, which could indicate rodenticide ingestion

Cute tabby cat sniffs on medicine capsules.

Emergency Steps if Poisoning is Suspected

Every pet owner should have the number for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center handy, which is 888-426-4435. This toll-free number connects pet owners to a staff of veterinarians and licensed technicians 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, they should also have the phone number of their closest emergency clinic readily accessible. It’s best to keep both numbers in your cell phone for immediate action.

If you suspect your pet has ingested a poisonous household item:

The American Kennel Club provides additional emergency resources for accidental pet poisoning.

  1. Immediately call your veterinarian for guidance or the APCC at the number above if your veterinarian’s office is closed.
  2. DO NOT try to induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a professional.
  3. Closely observe your pet so you can articulate their behavior to your veterinarian.
  4. Communicate your pet’s symptoms, including when you first noticed them, where your pet has been for the past few hours, and whether they were inside or outdoors.
  5. Collect any vomit, stool samples, food products, medication bottles, or anything else you think might be connected to the poisoning.
  6. Get your pet and the above items to your veterinarian or the closest emergency clinic.


  • Dog Emergency Care
  • Cat Emergency Care
  • cat behavior
  • Cat Nutrition
  • Dog Nutrition